OK: Found an XML parser.
OK: Support for GZIP encoding.
OK: Support for character munging.

Notice: MagpieRSS [debug] Returning STALE object for http://feeds.feedburner.com/packagingnewsonline/LfEQ in /home/linkove/linkoverload/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc on line 245

Example Output

Channel: Latest Movs


Parsed Results (var_dump'ed)

object(MagpieRSS)#2 (23) {
  array(0) {
  array(10) {
    array(11) {
      string(76) "‘The Batman’: Matt Reeves Admits It’s ‘Scary to Do a Batman Movie”"
      string(116) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/scream-away/the-batman-matt-reeves-admits-its-scary-to-do-a-batman-movie/"
      array(1) {
        string(11) "Harry World"
      string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:56:25 +0000"
      string(43) "Scream AwayadmitsBatmanMattMovieReevesScary"
      string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20996"
      string(699) "Batman is an iconic superhero beloved by millions. And as his new movie The Batman gears up for release, Matt Reeves admits taking on the DC hero was a daunting feat.  Matt Reeves admits it was scary taking on ‘The Batman’ Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz as Batman and Catwoman in ‘The Batman’ | DC ... Read more"
      array(1) {
        string(5065) "

Batman is an iconic superhero beloved by millions. And as his new movie The Batman gears up for release, Matt Reeves admits taking on the DC hero was a daunting feat. 

Matt Reeves admits it was scary taking on ‘The Batman’

Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz as Batman and Catwoman in ‘The Batman’ | DC Comics

There have been several live-action Batman adaptations over the years. Some, including Christopher Nolan and Tim Burton’s versions, were successful and remain fan favorites. But others, like Joel’s Schumacher’s ’90s iterations, weren’t as well-received. 

We would like to say thanks to the writer of this article for this amazing content

‘The Batman’: Matt Reeves Admits It’s ‘Scary to Do a Batman Movie”

" } ["summary"]=> string(699) "Batman is an iconic superhero beloved by millions. And as his new movie The Batman gears up for release, Matt Reeves admits taking on the DC hero was a daunting feat.  Matt Reeves admits it was scary taking on ‘The Batman’ Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz as Batman and Catwoman in ‘The Batman’ | DC ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(5065) "

Batman is an iconic superhero beloved by millions. And as his new movie The Batman gears up for release, Matt Reeves admits taking on the DC hero was a daunting feat. 

Matt Reeves admits it was scary taking on ‘The Batman’

Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz as Batman and Catwoman in ‘The Batman’ | DC Comics

There have been several live-action Batman adaptations over the years. Some, including Christopher Nolan and Tim Burton’s versions, were successful and remain fan favorites. But others, like Joel’s Schumacher’s ’90s iterations, weren’t as well-received. 

We would like to say thanks to the writer of this article for this amazing content

‘The Batman’: Matt Reeves Admits It’s ‘Scary to Do a Batman Movie”

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645120585) } [1]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(73) "Éduquer son enfant : le principe clé qu’il faut absolument connaitre." ["link"]=> string(119) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/lifestyle/eduquer-son-enfant-le-principe-cle-quil-faut-absolument-connaitre/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(10) "Holly June" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:26:17 +0000" ["category"]=> string(65) "LifestyleabsolumentcléconnaitreÉduquerenfantfautprincipequilson" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20990" ["description"]=> string(697) "Éduquer son enfant, c’est lui donner les clés de la vie : ce qu’il peut faire, ce qu’il faut éviter, ce qui est dangereux, comment être heureux… La manière dont on envisage notre rôle de parent éducateur est un véritable moyen d’influencer son comportement. OK, mais comment éduquer son enfant alors ? La première étape dont ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(11986) "

Éduquer son enfant, c’est lui donner les clés de la vie : ce qu’il peut faire, ce qu’il faut éviter, ce qui est dangereux, comment être heureux… La manière dont on envisage notre rôle de parent éducateur est un véritable moyen d’influencer son comportement. OK, mais comment éduquer son enfant alors ? La première étape dont découle plein de choses, c’est… (un peu de suspens, pour vous transmettre le principe indispensable selon moi pour éduquer son enfant, rien de tel qu’une petite histoire…)

Mon fils : un florilège d’ordres, de menaces et de gros mots 😨. J’ai du louper quelque chose dans mon éducation !!

Il y a peu de temps, j’observais, abasourdie, mon fils interagir avec nous, ses peluches et ses copains… Comme beaucoup d’enfants, j’avoue que mon fils ne s’exprime pas toujours comme nous l’aurions aimé (et comme nous pensions l’avoir éduqué). Mais nous allons vite comprendre pourquoi…

Lorsqu’il a commencé à parler, ses premiers mots ont été « Donne », et « Non »… Ça commençait mal !

Un jour, alors qu’un copain veut lui emprunter un jouet, il lui arrache des mains, en criant : « Noooon c’est à moi ! ». Un peu plus et le petit malotru se prenait sa main dans la figure…

Quand il joue avec ses peluches, il passe son temps à les mettre au coin et à les gronder.

Notre cher petit « ange » a aussi pour habitude de donner des ordres à ses amis : « Non, on ne joue pas aux peluches ! On joue aux voitures. Toi tu t’assieds là, et tu ne touches pas les camions, sinon tu ne joues plus avec nous ! » ; « Tu m’écoutes quand je te dis quelque chose !», etc. Heureusement pour lui, ses amis sont plutôt dociles… Le pire, c’est quand nous l’empêchons de faire ce qu’il veut : il nous tape et nous menace : « T’arrête sinon je ne te parle plus et t’es plus ma maman ! ».

Échangez sur « éduquer son enfant »  avec notre équipe et d’autres Cool Parents sur nos réseaux sociaux :

Facebook Education Positive Instagram Education Positive Youtube Education Positive

Un jour, alors que je lui demandais de mettre le couvert, il m’a même dit : « Tu me fatigues », et  m’a imité en répétant ma phrase avec une voix débile… Sans parler du fait qu’il lâche parfois des « Put… » et des «  Mer… »… Cerise sur le gâteau, un matin alors que je faisais demi-tour dans l’escalier pour aller chercher mon portable oublié, je me suis prise une volée : « T’es vraiment tête en l’air maman, un jour t’oublieras ta tête !».

Voilà le tableau… Un peu dur à avaler, n’est-ce pas ?

Qu’ai-je loupé dans mon éducation pour en arriver là ?
Un principe essentiel : mon enfant apprend avant tout par imitation…

Eduquer son enfant passe avant tout par l’imitation

C’est ce que les récentes études en psychologie et les recherches en neuroscience nous montrent.

Le comportement de notre enfant est finalement que le reflet du nôtre, à son père et moi.

Pourtant nous ne sommes pas si terribles que ça. Cela implique que nous nous exprimions autrement.

Remplacer les NON par des alternatives

Si nous avions pris l’habitude de dire « oui » plutôt que « non », et d’axer nos phrases sur ce qui est possible plutôt que sur ce qui ne l’est pas, nous aurions peut-être pu lui apprendre d’autres modes d’opposition que ces « non » systématiques. (Bien sûr, ça ne veut pas dire oui à tout, mais plutôt « Je comprends que tu aies envie de jouer au parc. Il faut qu’on rentre car j’attends un coup de fil important. Tu pourras sortir le circuit de voiture ou les kapla à la maison si tu veux. Lequel tu préfères ? » 

Expliquer plutôt qu’interdire

livre éducation positive Cool Parents Make Happy KidsSi nous lui avions donné des explications au lieu de lui interdire les choses de façon autoritaire, il ne déciderait peut-être pas de tout à la place de ses copains. Allez, il faut s’efforcer de p-o-s-i-t-i-v-er !

Ce serait agréable d’avoir un enfant qui parle comme cela, non ? Mais si nous ne faisons que lui donner des ordres (« Assieds-toi », « Pousses-toi, tu gènes »), il est normal qu’il fasse de même avec les autres.

Alors que si nous lui disions : « Pardon, peux-tu me laisser passer s’il te plait ? », il dirait à ses copains : « Est-ce que tu peux t’assoir s’il te plait, on va commencer le jeu. ». Les enfants sont dans le mimétisme, alors donnons-leur le meilleur modèle.

Comment pouvons-nous lui reprocher de menacer ses copains (« Tu fais ça, ou tu joues plus avec nous ») sachant que nous-même employons cette méthode (« Tu arrêtes ou t’es puni  ») ?

De même, quelle crédibilité avons-nous lorsqu’on lui dit de ne pas taper, alors que nous-même lui donnons des fessées ? Et cette façon débile de m’imiter ; combien de fois sans m’en rendre compte l’ai-je employé « gentiment » ?

Et ces autres phrases qui nous insupportent tellement (« Tu me fatigues » ; « T’es vraiment tête en l’air, un jour t’oubliera ta tête »)… Quand j’y pense, il semblerait que ce soit nous qui lui avons apprises ! Bref, il semblerait bien que nous soyons les arroseurs arrosés dans cette histoire !

Alors bien sûr, nous ne sommes pas la cause de tout, mais en donnant l’exemple on l’incite à s’exprimer de la même façon, et à minima on gagne en crédibilité ! Sur le long terme, n’avez-vous pas remarqué que bien des personnes adoptent la façon de communiquer de leurs parents ! Et bien profitons-en !

Bref, la clé de l’éducation parlons à notre enfant comme nous aimerions qu’ils nous parlent

C’est ainsi que le jour où l’on manquera d’oublier quelque chose, nous entendrons notre enfant nous dire « Bravo Maman, tu as failli oublier ton parapluie, mais tu ne l’as pas oublié ! », et si nous l’oublions vraiment : « Zut on a oublié le parapluie, on est toc toc, nous ! Mais ce n’est pas grave, on va le rechercher !». Et lorsque l’on se baladera ensemble on aura peut-être la chance d’entendre une petite voix nous dire « Maman, je suis si contente de me balader avec toi », qui n’est que le reflet de ce que nous lui disons parfois. C’est comme un enfant à qui les parents ne disent jamais « je t’aime »,  il ne risque pas de le dire à ses parents ! Et  si un jour, un gros mot lui échappe, peut-être que notre enfant nous dira avec spontanéité « pardon », car il nous aura entendu tant de fois le lui dire…

Alors évidemment rien n’est magique, il est bien normal que les petits enfants passent par une longue phase d’affirmation de soi, et le caractère de nos enfants joue toujours beaucoup. Sans compter qu’ils héritent aussi de la façon dont les autres leur parlent, à l’école ou chez la nounou…  Mais malgré tout, nous sommes leurs premiers modèles, et le mimétisme dans leur façon de s’exprimer est souvent surprenant !

Parlons-leur comme nous aimerions qu’ils nous parlent, disons-leur ce que nous aimerions entendre, et nous serons fiers de les entendre s’exprimer 🙂


Vous souhaitez améliorer votre quotidien avec votre enfant ? Faites chaque semaine un pas de plus vers l’éducation positive en vous inscrivant à la newsletter :

We wish to say thanks to the author of this post for this amazing content

Éduquer son enfant : le principe clé qu’il faut absolument connaitre.

" } ["summary"]=> string(697) "Éduquer son enfant, c’est lui donner les clés de la vie : ce qu’il peut faire, ce qu’il faut éviter, ce qui est dangereux, comment être heureux… La manière dont on envisage notre rôle de parent éducateur est un véritable moyen d’influencer son comportement. OK, mais comment éduquer son enfant alors ? La première étape dont ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(11986) "

Éduquer son enfant, c’est lui donner les clés de la vie : ce qu’il peut faire, ce qu’il faut éviter, ce qui est dangereux, comment être heureux… La manière dont on envisage notre rôle de parent éducateur est un véritable moyen d’influencer son comportement. OK, mais comment éduquer son enfant alors ? La première étape dont découle plein de choses, c’est… (un peu de suspens, pour vous transmettre le principe indispensable selon moi pour éduquer son enfant, rien de tel qu’une petite histoire…)

Mon fils : un florilège d’ordres, de menaces et de gros mots 😨. J’ai du louper quelque chose dans mon éducation !!

Il y a peu de temps, j’observais, abasourdie, mon fils interagir avec nous, ses peluches et ses copains… Comme beaucoup d’enfants, j’avoue que mon fils ne s’exprime pas toujours comme nous l’aurions aimé (et comme nous pensions l’avoir éduqué). Mais nous allons vite comprendre pourquoi…

Lorsqu’il a commencé à parler, ses premiers mots ont été « Donne », et « Non »… Ça commençait mal !

Un jour, alors qu’un copain veut lui emprunter un jouet, il lui arrache des mains, en criant : « Noooon c’est à moi ! ». Un peu plus et le petit malotru se prenait sa main dans la figure…

Quand il joue avec ses peluches, il passe son temps à les mettre au coin et à les gronder.

Notre cher petit « ange » a aussi pour habitude de donner des ordres à ses amis : « Non, on ne joue pas aux peluches ! On joue aux voitures. Toi tu t’assieds là, et tu ne touches pas les camions, sinon tu ne joues plus avec nous ! » ; « Tu m’écoutes quand je te dis quelque chose !», etc. Heureusement pour lui, ses amis sont plutôt dociles… Le pire, c’est quand nous l’empêchons de faire ce qu’il veut : il nous tape et nous menace : « T’arrête sinon je ne te parle plus et t’es plus ma maman ! ».

Échangez sur « éduquer son enfant »  avec notre équipe et d’autres Cool Parents sur nos réseaux sociaux :

Facebook Education Positive Instagram Education Positive Youtube Education Positive

Un jour, alors que je lui demandais de mettre le couvert, il m’a même dit : « Tu me fatigues », et  m’a imité en répétant ma phrase avec une voix débile… Sans parler du fait qu’il lâche parfois des « Put… » et des «  Mer… »… Cerise sur le gâteau, un matin alors que je faisais demi-tour dans l’escalier pour aller chercher mon portable oublié, je me suis prise une volée : « T’es vraiment tête en l’air maman, un jour t’oublieras ta tête !».

Voilà le tableau… Un peu dur à avaler, n’est-ce pas ?

Qu’ai-je loupé dans mon éducation pour en arriver là ?
Un principe essentiel : mon enfant apprend avant tout par imitation…

Eduquer son enfant passe avant tout par l’imitation

C’est ce que les récentes études en psychologie et les recherches en neuroscience nous montrent.

Le comportement de notre enfant est finalement que le reflet du nôtre, à son père et moi.

Pourtant nous ne sommes pas si terribles que ça. Cela implique que nous nous exprimions autrement.

Remplacer les NON par des alternatives

Si nous avions pris l’habitude de dire « oui » plutôt que « non », et d’axer nos phrases sur ce qui est possible plutôt que sur ce qui ne l’est pas, nous aurions peut-être pu lui apprendre d’autres modes d’opposition que ces « non » systématiques. (Bien sûr, ça ne veut pas dire oui à tout, mais plutôt « Je comprends que tu aies envie de jouer au parc. Il faut qu’on rentre car j’attends un coup de fil important. Tu pourras sortir le circuit de voiture ou les kapla à la maison si tu veux. Lequel tu préfères ? » 

Expliquer plutôt qu’interdire

livre éducation positive Cool Parents Make Happy KidsSi nous lui avions donné des explications au lieu de lui interdire les choses de façon autoritaire, il ne déciderait peut-être pas de tout à la place de ses copains. Allez, il faut s’efforcer de p-o-s-i-t-i-v-er !

Ce serait agréable d’avoir un enfant qui parle comme cela, non ? Mais si nous ne faisons que lui donner des ordres (« Assieds-toi », « Pousses-toi, tu gènes »), il est normal qu’il fasse de même avec les autres.

Alors que si nous lui disions : « Pardon, peux-tu me laisser passer s’il te plait ? », il dirait à ses copains : « Est-ce que tu peux t’assoir s’il te plait, on va commencer le jeu. ». Les enfants sont dans le mimétisme, alors donnons-leur le meilleur modèle.

Comment pouvons-nous lui reprocher de menacer ses copains (« Tu fais ça, ou tu joues plus avec nous ») sachant que nous-même employons cette méthode (« Tu arrêtes ou t’es puni  ») ?

De même, quelle crédibilité avons-nous lorsqu’on lui dit de ne pas taper, alors que nous-même lui donnons des fessées ? Et cette façon débile de m’imiter ; combien de fois sans m’en rendre compte l’ai-je employé « gentiment » ?

Et ces autres phrases qui nous insupportent tellement (« Tu me fatigues » ; « T’es vraiment tête en l’air, un jour t’oubliera ta tête »)… Quand j’y pense, il semblerait que ce soit nous qui lui avons apprises ! Bref, il semblerait bien que nous soyons les arroseurs arrosés dans cette histoire !

Alors bien sûr, nous ne sommes pas la cause de tout, mais en donnant l’exemple on l’incite à s’exprimer de la même façon, et à minima on gagne en crédibilité ! Sur le long terme, n’avez-vous pas remarqué que bien des personnes adoptent la façon de communiquer de leurs parents ! Et bien profitons-en !

Bref, la clé de l’éducation parlons à notre enfant comme nous aimerions qu’ils nous parlent

C’est ainsi que le jour où l’on manquera d’oublier quelque chose, nous entendrons notre enfant nous dire « Bravo Maman, tu as failli oublier ton parapluie, mais tu ne l’as pas oublié ! », et si nous l’oublions vraiment : « Zut on a oublié le parapluie, on est toc toc, nous ! Mais ce n’est pas grave, on va le rechercher !». Et lorsque l’on se baladera ensemble on aura peut-être la chance d’entendre une petite voix nous dire « Maman, je suis si contente de me balader avec toi », qui n’est que le reflet de ce que nous lui disons parfois. C’est comme un enfant à qui les parents ne disent jamais « je t’aime »,  il ne risque pas de le dire à ses parents ! Et  si un jour, un gros mot lui échappe, peut-être que notre enfant nous dira avec spontanéité « pardon », car il nous aura entendu tant de fois le lui dire…

Alors évidemment rien n’est magique, il est bien normal que les petits enfants passent par une longue phase d’affirmation de soi, et le caractère de nos enfants joue toujours beaucoup. Sans compter qu’ils héritent aussi de la façon dont les autres leur parlent, à l’école ou chez la nounou…  Mais malgré tout, nous sommes leurs premiers modèles, et le mimétisme dans leur façon de s’exprimer est souvent surprenant !

Parlons-leur comme nous aimerions qu’ils nous parlent, disons-leur ce que nous aimerions entendre, et nous serons fiers de les entendre s’exprimer 🙂


Vous souhaitez améliorer votre quotidien avec votre enfant ? Faites chaque semaine un pas de plus vers l’éducation positive en vous inscrivant à la newsletter :

We wish to say thanks to the author of this post for this amazing content

Éduquer son enfant : le principe clé qu’il faut absolument connaitre.

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645118777) } [2]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(83) "Matt Reeves Ingin Hadirkan Batman yang Kecanduan Hajar Penjahat : Okezone Celebrity" ["link"]=> string(131) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/shows/matt-reeves-ingin-hadirkan-batman-yang-kecanduan-hajar-penjahat-okezone-celebrity/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(10) "Debby Kent" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:17:34 +0000" ["category"]=> string(76) "ShowsBatmanCelebrityHadirkanHajarInginKecanduanMattOkezonePenjahatReevesyang" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20984" ["description"]=> string(732) "JAKARTA – Matt Reeves, sutradara dari film The Batman, belum lama ini banyak bercerita soal proses pencetusan ide di balik film mendatangnya. Baginya, film Batman buatannya bisa tampil beda karena sosok Batman yang Ia ciptakan luar biasa bengis dan mengerikan. Berawal dari proyek solo milik Ben Affleck, kini film The Batman menjadi sebuah proyek kuncian ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(3827) "

JAKARTA – Matt Reeves, sutradara dari film The Batman, belum lama ini banyak bercerita soal proses pencetusan ide di balik film mendatangnya. Baginya, film Batman buatannya bisa tampil beda karena sosok Batman yang Ia ciptakan luar biasa bengis dan mengerikan.

Berawal dari proyek solo milik Ben Affleck, kini film The Batman menjadi sebuah proyek kuncian yang dipegang Matt Reeves setelah jagat sinema DCEU dikabarkan bubar. Harus membuat kisah Batman yang beda dari sebelumnya, Matt mengaku ingin berkiblat pada komik yang jarang dibaca orang awam.

Sebagai fans komik Batman, Matt memilih untuk mengadaptasi beberapa elemen dari komik Year One yang mengisahkan perjalanan tahun-tahun pertama si manusia kelelawar menghajar penjahat. Namun, di tengah perjalanan ini, Matt ingin membawa sang manusia kelelawar kecanduan berkelahi.

“Aku tak mau melihat kisah Batman yang pergi menghajar penjahat langganannya, aku mau melihat Batman yang tak sempurna dan lama-lama merasa kecanduan memukuli kriminal untuk mengubur masa lalunya yang kelam,” ucap Matt dilansir dari Den of Geek, Rabu (16/2/2022).

Robert Pattinson, aktor yang memerankan Batman dalam film ini, pun merasakan hal yang sama ketika mengenakan kostum si ksatria kegelapan. Robert menganggap bahwa kostum yang Ia kenakan adalah kostum yang diciptakan khusus untuk membuat kriminal takut dihajar; dan Ia yakin Batman sejatinya suka berkelahi.

“Semua orang yang Ia hajar dianggap sebagai pembunuh orang tuanya. Dia keluar tiap malam untuk menghajar penjahat. Di lubuk hati yang paling dalam, dia suka perkelahian,” timpalnya.

Menampilkan sosok Batman yang seram, penuh perhitungan, dan taktis, film The Batman digadang-gadang sebagai salah satu adaptasi yang paling mendekati komik-komik solo Batman dimana Ia bekerja sebagai detektif swasta nan dingin alih-alih pahlawan super yang berusaha menyelamatkan dunia dari alien.

Dibintangi Robert Pattinson, Paul Dano, Zoe Kravitz, dan Colin Farrell, The Batman akan tayang setengah bulan lagi tepatnya pada tanggal 4 Maret 2022.


We want to thank the author of this article for this outstanding web content

Matt Reeves Ingin Hadirkan Batman yang Kecanduan Hajar Penjahat : Okezone Celebrity

" } ["summary"]=> string(732) "JAKARTA – Matt Reeves, sutradara dari film The Batman, belum lama ini banyak bercerita soal proses pencetusan ide di balik film mendatangnya. Baginya, film Batman buatannya bisa tampil beda karena sosok Batman yang Ia ciptakan luar biasa bengis dan mengerikan. Berawal dari proyek solo milik Ben Affleck, kini film The Batman menjadi sebuah proyek kuncian ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(3827) "

JAKARTA – Matt Reeves, sutradara dari film The Batman, belum lama ini banyak bercerita soal proses pencetusan ide di balik film mendatangnya. Baginya, film Batman buatannya bisa tampil beda karena sosok Batman yang Ia ciptakan luar biasa bengis dan mengerikan.

Berawal dari proyek solo milik Ben Affleck, kini film The Batman menjadi sebuah proyek kuncian yang dipegang Matt Reeves setelah jagat sinema DCEU dikabarkan bubar. Harus membuat kisah Batman yang beda dari sebelumnya, Matt mengaku ingin berkiblat pada komik yang jarang dibaca orang awam.

Sebagai fans komik Batman, Matt memilih untuk mengadaptasi beberapa elemen dari komik Year One yang mengisahkan perjalanan tahun-tahun pertama si manusia kelelawar menghajar penjahat. Namun, di tengah perjalanan ini, Matt ingin membawa sang manusia kelelawar kecanduan berkelahi.

“Aku tak mau melihat kisah Batman yang pergi menghajar penjahat langganannya, aku mau melihat Batman yang tak sempurna dan lama-lama merasa kecanduan memukuli kriminal untuk mengubur masa lalunya yang kelam,” ucap Matt dilansir dari Den of Geek, Rabu (16/2/2022).

Robert Pattinson, aktor yang memerankan Batman dalam film ini, pun merasakan hal yang sama ketika mengenakan kostum si ksatria kegelapan. Robert menganggap bahwa kostum yang Ia kenakan adalah kostum yang diciptakan khusus untuk membuat kriminal takut dihajar; dan Ia yakin Batman sejatinya suka berkelahi.

“Semua orang yang Ia hajar dianggap sebagai pembunuh orang tuanya. Dia keluar tiap malam untuk menghajar penjahat. Di lubuk hati yang paling dalam, dia suka perkelahian,” timpalnya.

Menampilkan sosok Batman yang seram, penuh perhitungan, dan taktis, film The Batman digadang-gadang sebagai salah satu adaptasi yang paling mendekati komik-komik solo Batman dimana Ia bekerja sebagai detektif swasta nan dingin alih-alih pahlawan super yang berusaha menyelamatkan dunia dari alien.

Dibintangi Robert Pattinson, Paul Dano, Zoe Kravitz, dan Colin Farrell, The Batman akan tayang setengah bulan lagi tepatnya pada tanggal 4 Maret 2022.


We want to thank the author of this article for this outstanding web content

Matt Reeves Ingin Hadirkan Batman yang Kecanduan Hajar Penjahat : Okezone Celebrity

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645118254) } [3]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(71) "D-Edge faz festa beneficente para celebrar aniversario de Renato Ratier" ["link"]=> string(121) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/music/d-edge-faz-festa-beneficente-para-celebrar-aniversario-de-renato-ratier/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(8) "Ann Moon" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:06:28 +0000" ["category"]=> string(64) "MusicaniversariobeneficentecelebrarDEdgefazfestaparaRatierRenato" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20978" ["description"]=> string(679) "Curta Music Non Stop no Facebook Renato Ratier, DJ e empresário responsável por iniciativias como a D-Edge, um dos clubes brasileiros mais conhecidos mundo a fora, e o Surreal, complexo de entretimento inaugurado no final do ano para movimentar a região do Balneário de Camburiú, faz 50 anos nesta quinta feira. Para comemorar o novo ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(10926) "

Renato Ratier, DJ e empresário responsável por iniciativias como a D-Edge, um dos clubes brasileiros mais conhecidos mundo a fora, e o Surreal, complexo de entretimento inaugurado no final do ano para movimentar a região do Balneário de Camburiú, faz 50 anos nesta quinta feira.

Para comemorar o novo ciclo, uma festa especial na D-Edge com discotecagem de Ratier e um timaço de DJs promete movimentar a quinta feira e ajudar financeira várias entidades sociais. Toda a renda da bilheteria será doada para cinco casas: Associação Espaço Curumin, Recanto Casa das Avós e a  Moradores de Rua e Seus Cães.

O line-up é recheado. Além do aniversariante, tocam Adnan Sharif, Anderson Noise, André Salata, André Torquato, Binarh, Caio Staccione, Cesare vs Disorder, Coppola, D-Nox, Diego Moura, Diogo Accioly, DJ Murphy, Du Serena, Duc In Altum, Edu Popo, Gabe, Gui Boratto, Ingrid, João Lee, L_Cio, Deo Diniz, Marcio S, Mau Mau, Meca, Ney Faustini, Ralnir, Rodrigo Ferrai, Teclas e Vintage Culture.

Pista do D-Edge Club

A icônica pista da D-Edge – foto: Jotapê

O fervo promete rolar até as 11 da manhã de sexta. O final de semana começa mais cedo em São Paulo desta vez!


Renato Ratier | 50 anos

Clube D-EDGE

Data: 17 de fevereiro de 2022

Horário: das 23h às 11h

Endereço: Av. Mário de Andrade 141, Barra Funda – São Paulo-SP – 01156-001

Telefone: (11) 3665-9500




1° lote R$120,00

2° lote R$140,00

3° lote R$160,00

Ingressos à venda na plataforma Sympla

Associação Espaço Curumim

É uma obra assistencial criada com o objetivo de acolher e atender crianças e adolescentes moradores da comunidade do Moinho, no centro de São Paulo. O intuito é oferecer um espaço onde possam ter educação, cultura, saúde e amor. A Associação Espaço Curumim trabalha no sentido de contribuir para a inserção social, através da educação e da cultura.

A necessidade de cuidar dessas crianças é grande, pois eles convivem diariamente com uma série de problemas, que incluem moradias precárias, baixo nível escolar, desnutrição e carência afetiva. Espera-se melhorar o futuro deles, desenvolvendo suas habilidades para que se coloquem dignamente perante a sociedade, multiplicando valores morais e éticos.

São atendidas 60 crianças e adolescentes entre 3 e 14 anos, de segunda a sexta-feira das 7h45 às 17h00, que usufruem de atividades antes ou após a escola.  A proposta é manter uma agenda recheada de atividades como teatro, música e artes, atividades físicas, aula de dança, jogos e brincadeiras, coordenação motora, datas comemorativas, passeios, etc. Oferecemos duas refeições diárias (café da manhã + almoço e almoço + lanche da tarde). O objetivo é criar, todos os dias, mais motivos para sorrisos, para que o futuro destes jovens seja muito melhor!

End.: Alameda Eduardo Prado 310, Campos Elíseos – São Paulo-SP

Tel.: 11 3333-6777



Recanto dos Avós – Instituto Maria Amélia 

O Instituto Maria Amélia, mais conhecido como Recanto dos Avós, é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que atua como instituição de amparo a idosos, há mais de uma década. Hoje o Instituto abriga 53 idosos de ambos os sexos, parte deles encaminhada pela Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social de Mairiporã, que fazem do Recanto dos Avós a sua casa.

Todos são amparados com muito amor e carinho. Os idosos residentes no Recantos dos Avós são carentes, com deficiências físicas e/ou mentais, que foram, na maioria das vezes, abandonados por seus próprios familiares ou que já não têm familiares. Aconchego, amparo, carinho e respeito são os valores do Recanto dos Avós.

End.: Alameda Rubi 301, Terra Preta – Mairiporã-SP

Tel.: 11 2742-5312



Moradores de Rua e Seus Cães

O foco da organização Moradores de Rua e seus Cães (MRSC) é ajudar para motivar. Criada em 2015 pelo fotógrafo Edu Leporo, a MRSC entende que o impacto positivo das ações sociais gera esperança; e acredita que todo ser humano merece viver dignamente – e é isso o que a organização entrega em seus projetos sociais. A MRSC promove ações sociais com moradores de rua, distribuindo cestas básicas e ajudando os cães dessas pessoas com dignidade e carinho. São feitas ações em prol do bem-estar e saúde dos animais, que incluem castração, vacinação, vermifugação, banho, tosa e distribuição de brinquedos e acessórios.

Atualmente, a MRSC está presente em nove capitais brasileiras: São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Recife, Natal, Porto Alegre, Florianópolis e Manaus. E também tem iniciativas nas cidades paulistas de Mogi das Cruzes, Campinas, Osasco e Porto Feliz e na região da Baixada Santista. A sede da MRSC fica em São Paulo e toda a equipe nacional recebe treinamentos constantes, apoio e motivação para seguirem firmes na causa. A organização é certificada por diversos órgãos nacionais e internacionais, como ICFO (International Commitee on Fundraising Organizations) e tem certificação federal de Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIP).

End.: Rua Santa Isabel 47, República – São Paulo-SP

Tel.: 11 91301-8858




178776193 10222966477363490 1153757738417113280 n

Jota Wagner

Jota Wagner escreve, discoteca e faz festas no Brasil e Europa desde o começo da década de 90. Atualmente é editor chefe do Music Non Stop e produtor cultural na Agência 55. Contribuiu, usando os ouvidos, os pés ou as mãos, com a aurora da música eletrônica brasileira.

We would like to thank the writer of this write-up for this amazing web content

D-Edge faz festa beneficente para celebrar aniversario de Renato Ratier

" } ["summary"]=> string(679) "Curta Music Non Stop no Facebook Renato Ratier, DJ e empresário responsável por iniciativias como a D-Edge, um dos clubes brasileiros mais conhecidos mundo a fora, e o Surreal, complexo de entretimento inaugurado no final do ano para movimentar a região do Balneário de Camburiú, faz 50 anos nesta quinta feira. Para comemorar o novo ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(10926) "

Renato Ratier, DJ e empresário responsável por iniciativias como a D-Edge, um dos clubes brasileiros mais conhecidos mundo a fora, e o Surreal, complexo de entretimento inaugurado no final do ano para movimentar a região do Balneário de Camburiú, faz 50 anos nesta quinta feira.

Para comemorar o novo ciclo, uma festa especial na D-Edge com discotecagem de Ratier e um timaço de DJs promete movimentar a quinta feira e ajudar financeira várias entidades sociais. Toda a renda da bilheteria será doada para cinco casas: Associação Espaço Curumin, Recanto Casa das Avós e a  Moradores de Rua e Seus Cães.

O line-up é recheado. Além do aniversariante, tocam Adnan Sharif, Anderson Noise, André Salata, André Torquato, Binarh, Caio Staccione, Cesare vs Disorder, Coppola, D-Nox, Diego Moura, Diogo Accioly, DJ Murphy, Du Serena, Duc In Altum, Edu Popo, Gabe, Gui Boratto, Ingrid, João Lee, L_Cio, Deo Diniz, Marcio S, Mau Mau, Meca, Ney Faustini, Ralnir, Rodrigo Ferrai, Teclas e Vintage Culture.

Pista do D-Edge Club

A icônica pista da D-Edge – foto: Jotapê

O fervo promete rolar até as 11 da manhã de sexta. O final de semana começa mais cedo em São Paulo desta vez!


Renato Ratier | 50 anos

Clube D-EDGE

Data: 17 de fevereiro de 2022

Horário: das 23h às 11h

Endereço: Av. Mário de Andrade 141, Barra Funda – São Paulo-SP – 01156-001

Telefone: (11) 3665-9500




1° lote R$120,00

2° lote R$140,00

3° lote R$160,00

Ingressos à venda na plataforma Sympla

Associação Espaço Curumim

É uma obra assistencial criada com o objetivo de acolher e atender crianças e adolescentes moradores da comunidade do Moinho, no centro de São Paulo. O intuito é oferecer um espaço onde possam ter educação, cultura, saúde e amor. A Associação Espaço Curumim trabalha no sentido de contribuir para a inserção social, através da educação e da cultura.

A necessidade de cuidar dessas crianças é grande, pois eles convivem diariamente com uma série de problemas, que incluem moradias precárias, baixo nível escolar, desnutrição e carência afetiva. Espera-se melhorar o futuro deles, desenvolvendo suas habilidades para que se coloquem dignamente perante a sociedade, multiplicando valores morais e éticos.

São atendidas 60 crianças e adolescentes entre 3 e 14 anos, de segunda a sexta-feira das 7h45 às 17h00, que usufruem de atividades antes ou após a escola.  A proposta é manter uma agenda recheada de atividades como teatro, música e artes, atividades físicas, aula de dança, jogos e brincadeiras, coordenação motora, datas comemorativas, passeios, etc. Oferecemos duas refeições diárias (café da manhã + almoço e almoço + lanche da tarde). O objetivo é criar, todos os dias, mais motivos para sorrisos, para que o futuro destes jovens seja muito melhor!

End.: Alameda Eduardo Prado 310, Campos Elíseos – São Paulo-SP

Tel.: 11 3333-6777



Recanto dos Avós – Instituto Maria Amélia 

O Instituto Maria Amélia, mais conhecido como Recanto dos Avós, é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que atua como instituição de amparo a idosos, há mais de uma década. Hoje o Instituto abriga 53 idosos de ambos os sexos, parte deles encaminhada pela Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social de Mairiporã, que fazem do Recanto dos Avós a sua casa.

Todos são amparados com muito amor e carinho. Os idosos residentes no Recantos dos Avós são carentes, com deficiências físicas e/ou mentais, que foram, na maioria das vezes, abandonados por seus próprios familiares ou que já não têm familiares. Aconchego, amparo, carinho e respeito são os valores do Recanto dos Avós.

End.: Alameda Rubi 301, Terra Preta – Mairiporã-SP

Tel.: 11 2742-5312



Moradores de Rua e Seus Cães

O foco da organização Moradores de Rua e seus Cães (MRSC) é ajudar para motivar. Criada em 2015 pelo fotógrafo Edu Leporo, a MRSC entende que o impacto positivo das ações sociais gera esperança; e acredita que todo ser humano merece viver dignamente – e é isso o que a organização entrega em seus projetos sociais. A MRSC promove ações sociais com moradores de rua, distribuindo cestas básicas e ajudando os cães dessas pessoas com dignidade e carinho. São feitas ações em prol do bem-estar e saúde dos animais, que incluem castração, vacinação, vermifugação, banho, tosa e distribuição de brinquedos e acessórios.

Atualmente, a MRSC está presente em nove capitais brasileiras: São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Recife, Natal, Porto Alegre, Florianópolis e Manaus. E também tem iniciativas nas cidades paulistas de Mogi das Cruzes, Campinas, Osasco e Porto Feliz e na região da Baixada Santista. A sede da MRSC fica em São Paulo e toda a equipe nacional recebe treinamentos constantes, apoio e motivação para seguirem firmes na causa. A organização é certificada por diversos órgãos nacionais e internacionais, como ICFO (International Commitee on Fundraising Organizations) e tem certificação federal de Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIP).

End.: Rua Santa Isabel 47, República – São Paulo-SP

Tel.: 11 91301-8858




178776193 10222966477363490 1153757738417113280 n

Jota Wagner

Jota Wagner escreve, discoteca e faz festas no Brasil e Europa desde o começo da década de 90. Atualmente é editor chefe do Music Non Stop e produtor cultural na Agência 55. Contribuiu, usando os ouvidos, os pés ou as mãos, com a aurora da música eletrônica brasileira.

We would like to thank the writer of this write-up for this amazing web content

D-Edge faz festa beneficente para celebrar aniversario de Renato Ratier

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645117588) } [4]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(106) "Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin" ["link"]=> string(167) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/healthandscience/data-available-for-training-ai-to-spot-skin-cancer-are-insufficient-and-lacking-in-pictures-of-darker-skin/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(12) "Tony Grantly" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:03:29 +0000" ["category"]=> string(77) "Health And SciencecancerdarkerdatainsufficientlackingPicturesskinSpottraining" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20973" ["description"]=> string(767) "Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin – NovLink Home Mash R Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin We wish to thank the author of this post for this remarkable web content ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(6672) "

Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin – NovLink

We wish to thank the author of this post for this remarkable web content

Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin

" } ["summary"]=> string(767) "Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin – NovLink Home Mash R Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin We wish to thank the author of this post for this remarkable web content ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(6672) "

Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin – NovLink

We wish to thank the author of this post for this remarkable web content

Data available for training AI to spot skin cancer are insufficient and lacking in pictures of darker skin

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645117409) } [5]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(64) "This Horror Movie Nails the Combination Of Technology And Terror" ["link"]=> string(120) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/scream-away/this-horror-movie-nails-the-combination-of-technology-and-terror/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(11) "Harry World" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 16:34:40 +0000" ["category"]=> string(54) "Scream AwaycombinationHorrorMovieNailstechnologyterror" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20967" ["description"]=> string(642) "From Frankenstein to Godzilla, there have been countless movies that have told scary stories about monsters and the people who are terrified of them. There are also tons of great horror films about innocent kids who move into a haunted house or who think that there’s a ghost or monster under the bed. The 2020 ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(11839) "

From Frankenstein to Godzilla, there have been countless movies that have told scary stories about monsters and the people who are terrified of them. There are also tons of great horror films about innocent kids who move into a haunted house or who think that there’s a ghost or monster under the bed. The 2020 movie Come Play, written and directed by Jacob Chase, takes the trope of a child seeing a monster and turns it on its head, creating a totally unique story that is impossible to turn away from.


From the well-written characters to the scary moments and premise that hasn’t been done before, Come Play nails a horror movie trope that has been seen many times before, and fans of the genre will love it.

RELATED: This Underseen Indie Thriller Has A Great Act 2 Twist

Based on Jacob Chase’s 2007 short film called Larry, Come Play tells the story of Oliver (Azhy Robertson), a child who is non-verbal autistic and who begins using an app on his phone called “Misunderstood Monsters.” It is here that he meets Larry, a monster who “just wants a friend.” Oliver is taken in by Larry and becomes very attached to him while his mother Sarah (Gillian Jacobs in a great performance) worries and wonders what’s going on. There are many horror movies featuring children, but Come Play stands out because it has a sweet main character in Oliver and a couple (Sarah and her husband Marty, played by John Gallagher, Jr.) who are struggling in their relationship, which creates realistic tension.

Azhy Robertson playing Oliver and Gillian Jacobs playing Sarah in Come Play

The fact that Come Play uses the classic “kid sees a monster” trope and adds technology to the mix makes for a fascinating film. It’s interesting that Oliver sees Larry through an app instead of seeing shadows in his bedroom or wondering if there’s something sinister under the bed or in the closet. While Countdown is about an evil app, and there are definitely horror movies that have used technology well, Come Play combines a story about a monster and a story about a smartphone app, and it works really well. In an interview with Pop Horror, Jacob Chase said that he felt that it would be interesting to show the monster this way: “I think in a movie like this, you don’t want to show the monster too much, so you want to create the feeling that the monster could be in the room with you at all times. Using technology to play with that idea was, I thought, a fun, new way to do it.”

Come Play has an incredible scene near the end of the movie that is terrifying and also emotional. Since Oliver is such a sweet kid and his family has struggled so much, audiences are invested in him and want him to be okay. The movie does a good job of showing the main characters trying to beat Larry at his own game, as Sarah tries to get rid of the electronics in their house. Unfortunately, Larry comes out of the app and is a full-formed monster, and he attempts to steal Oliver to take him to his realm.

When Larry is about to kidnap Oliver, Sarah sacrifices herself and holds Larry’s hand. It’s hard not to feel heartbroken when Oliver looks right at Sarah and seems to connect with her, which he couldn’t do before. The movie takes the child seeing a monster trope and adds this emotional and human element, showing that the bond between a mother and child is forever, and Oliver and Sarah will be connected, no matter what.

Gillian Jacobs as Sarah in a supermarket with Azhy Robertson as Oliver in Come Play

Come Play also has something smart to say about the way that people rely on smartphones today. Instead of craving face-to-face interaction, many people spend more time on social media or texting, and it can be easy to feel like following people on Instagram feels like social interaction when there are definitely cons to this. The pull of Larry is so strong, just like it can be tough to stop checking e-mail, text messages, or refreshing a social media feed over and over again.

Larry serves as a metaphor for how easy it is to get drawn into the pull of technology and it’s easy to imagine this happening to anyone. While there are great movies about technology, like Unfriended‘s fresh horror movie premise about teenagers chatting online and a spirit entering the conversation, Come Play does a nice job blending a family story, a child who wants a friend, and a scary app.

Come Play succeeds in telling a scary story that has a lot of feeling to it. While it’s absolutely heartbreaking that Sarah is now gone, this experience does help Oliver a bit as he and his dad are now able to bond more and his dad helps him in therapy. The film shows that life has ups and downs and can be incredibly sad while allowing people to see some good in it as well, and that’s a great message for a horror movie that is also unnerving and full of scares.

NEXT: 5 Underappreciated Horror Movies With Ambiguous Endings

Pokemon Fan Creates Incredible Sinnoh Starter Animation

Following the release of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, one pixel artist celebrates the original releases with a nostalgic animation.

Read Next

About The Author

We want to say thanks to the author of this post for this outstanding material

This Horror Movie Nails the Combination Of Technology And Terror

" } ["summary"]=> string(642) "From Frankenstein to Godzilla, there have been countless movies that have told scary stories about monsters and the people who are terrified of them. There are also tons of great horror films about innocent kids who move into a haunted house or who think that there’s a ghost or monster under the bed. The 2020 ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(11839) "

From Frankenstein to Godzilla, there have been countless movies that have told scary stories about monsters and the people who are terrified of them. There are also tons of great horror films about innocent kids who move into a haunted house or who think that there’s a ghost or monster under the bed. The 2020 movie Come Play, written and directed by Jacob Chase, takes the trope of a child seeing a monster and turns it on its head, creating a totally unique story that is impossible to turn away from.


From the well-written characters to the scary moments and premise that hasn’t been done before, Come Play nails a horror movie trope that has been seen many times before, and fans of the genre will love it.

RELATED: This Underseen Indie Thriller Has A Great Act 2 Twist

Based on Jacob Chase’s 2007 short film called Larry, Come Play tells the story of Oliver (Azhy Robertson), a child who is non-verbal autistic and who begins using an app on his phone called “Misunderstood Monsters.” It is here that he meets Larry, a monster who “just wants a friend.” Oliver is taken in by Larry and becomes very attached to him while his mother Sarah (Gillian Jacobs in a great performance) worries and wonders what’s going on. There are many horror movies featuring children, but Come Play stands out because it has a sweet main character in Oliver and a couple (Sarah and her husband Marty, played by John Gallagher, Jr.) who are struggling in their relationship, which creates realistic tension.

Azhy Robertson playing Oliver and Gillian Jacobs playing Sarah in Come Play

The fact that Come Play uses the classic “kid sees a monster” trope and adds technology to the mix makes for a fascinating film. It’s interesting that Oliver sees Larry through an app instead of seeing shadows in his bedroom or wondering if there’s something sinister under the bed or in the closet. While Countdown is about an evil app, and there are definitely horror movies that have used technology well, Come Play combines a story about a monster and a story about a smartphone app, and it works really well. In an interview with Pop Horror, Jacob Chase said that he felt that it would be interesting to show the monster this way: “I think in a movie like this, you don’t want to show the monster too much, so you want to create the feeling that the monster could be in the room with you at all times. Using technology to play with that idea was, I thought, a fun, new way to do it.”

Come Play has an incredible scene near the end of the movie that is terrifying and also emotional. Since Oliver is such a sweet kid and his family has struggled so much, audiences are invested in him and want him to be okay. The movie does a good job of showing the main characters trying to beat Larry at his own game, as Sarah tries to get rid of the electronics in their house. Unfortunately, Larry comes out of the app and is a full-formed monster, and he attempts to steal Oliver to take him to his realm.

When Larry is about to kidnap Oliver, Sarah sacrifices herself and holds Larry’s hand. It’s hard not to feel heartbroken when Oliver looks right at Sarah and seems to connect with her, which he couldn’t do before. The movie takes the child seeing a monster trope and adds this emotional and human element, showing that the bond between a mother and child is forever, and Oliver and Sarah will be connected, no matter what.

Gillian Jacobs as Sarah in a supermarket with Azhy Robertson as Oliver in Come Play

Come Play also has something smart to say about the way that people rely on smartphones today. Instead of craving face-to-face interaction, many people spend more time on social media or texting, and it can be easy to feel like following people on Instagram feels like social interaction when there are definitely cons to this. The pull of Larry is so strong, just like it can be tough to stop checking e-mail, text messages, or refreshing a social media feed over and over again.

Larry serves as a metaphor for how easy it is to get drawn into the pull of technology and it’s easy to imagine this happening to anyone. While there are great movies about technology, like Unfriended‘s fresh horror movie premise about teenagers chatting online and a spirit entering the conversation, Come Play does a nice job blending a family story, a child who wants a friend, and a scary app.

Come Play succeeds in telling a scary story that has a lot of feeling to it. While it’s absolutely heartbreaking that Sarah is now gone, this experience does help Oliver a bit as he and his dad are now able to bond more and his dad helps him in therapy. The film shows that life has ups and downs and can be incredibly sad while allowing people to see some good in it as well, and that’s a great message for a horror movie that is also unnerving and full of scares.

NEXT: 5 Underappreciated Horror Movies With Ambiguous Endings

Pokemon Fan Creates Incredible Sinnoh Starter Animation

Following the release of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, one pixel artist celebrates the original releases with a nostalgic animation.

Read Next

About The Author

We want to say thanks to the author of this post for this outstanding material

This Horror Movie Nails the Combination Of Technology And Terror

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645115680) } [6]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(93) "Carolina García, la diseñadora malagueña detrás de los pendientes antiCovid de Katy Perry" ["link"]=> string(149) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/healthandscience/carolina-garcia-la-disenadora-malaguena-detras-de-los-pendientes-anticovid-de-katy-perry/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(15) "Pauline Moonlky" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 15:50:56 +0000" ["category"]=> string(91) "Health And ScienceantiCovidCarolinadetrásdiseñadoraGarciaKatyLosmalagueñapendientesPerry" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20961" ["description"]=> string(795) "Aquello surgió, cuenta la joven en una entrevista con EL ESPAÑOL de Málaga, del propio “aburrimiento”. “Estas Navidades había que estar bastante tiempo encerrada en casa si tenías contacto con positivos. Al final te acababas haciendo muchos test de antígenos. Esta Nochevieja no tenía nada rojo que ponerme. “Tengo que empezar el año de buena manera ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(7970) "

Aquello surgió, cuenta la joven en una entrevista con EL ESPAÑOL de Málaga, del propio “aburrimiento”. “Estas Navidades había que estar bastante tiempo encerrada en casa si tenías contacto con positivos. Al final te acababas haciendo muchos test de antígenos. Esta Nochevieja no tenía nada rojo que ponerme. “Tengo que empezar el año de buena manera y necesito algo que me traiga suerte“, me dije”, cuenta. 

A Carolina se le ocurrió la idea de hacerse unos pendientes al ver los test en casa y pensar en lo presente que había estado el coronavirus en sus vida ese año. “Mi tía me ayudó. Me los puse y a mis amigos les encantaron. Subí una foto a Instagram y no pensaba que se convertiría en algo viral“, señala la malagueña natural de El Palo y estudiante de Literatura Comparada en la Universidad de Granada.

Robin Cavalli

Su publicación con la foto de los llamativos pendientes le llegó al hijo del diseñador italiano Roberto Cavalli, Robin Cavalli. “Lo publicó a modo de post en su Instagram. Tiene su propia marca y la gente del mundo de la moda lo sigue. Le escribí porque la subió sin darme créditos. Me etiquetó y todo el mundo empezó a compartirla. Incluso revistas como Cosmopolitan. La mayoría eran estilistas, diseñadores y artistas”, relata.

García no podía soltar el móvil: la foto de su experimento había dado la vuelta a internet. La cantante Camila Cabello también compartió la publicación en sus redes sociales. “Me llegó un mensaje directo del estilista de Katy Perry. Me comentó que los habían visto, que les habían gustado mucho y que los querían. Tuve que leer dos veces el mensaje porque pensaba que me estaban gastando una broma”, reconoce.

La diseñadora habló con él y concretaron los detalles del envío. El estilista de la cantante le pidió un par de pendientes para una de sus apariciones en Saturday Night Live. Los estuvo preparando durante una semana junto a sus amigos Ale (diseño de moda), Asier y Nagore (diseño gráfico). “A día de hoy no lo tengo asimilado. Lo de Katy Perry fue súper intenso. No estaba preparada”, se sincera. A la malagueña le haría bastante ilusión que la artista Samantha Hudson se pusiera los pendientes porque la adoro y le gusta mucho el mensaje que transmite.

Lanzamiento de una marca de pendientes

Los interesados podrán hacerse con los pendientes de moda en dos semanas como máximo. “Hemos hecho una lista con la gente que los quiere. Estamos preparando el lanzamiento de una página web para venderlos. Ahora estoy buscando asesoramiento, comprando material, recogiendo test de antígenos y preparando la web. Queremos hacerlo bien”, recalca.

Para la malagueña, la parte empresarial es la más “complicada”. “La parte creativa y la de redes sociales la tenemos (son cuatro personas en el equipo). Estamos buscando asesoría. En ningún momento una se plantea montar una marca y una empresa con sus amigos a esta edad“, reconoce no sin antes contar el vértigo que da todo esto. 

Por momentos Carolina vive este éxito con altibajos. “He pasado de estar muy contenta, emocionada y agradecida a agobiarme y viceversa. Me abruma la cantidad de gente que me escribe en redes sociales. Hemos tenido mucha suerte de que se haya hecho viral; de que el algoritmo, internet o lo que quiera que haya sido me haya dado la oportunidad”, confiesa entusiasmada.

La marca de los pendientes se llamará Rakata Studio en homenaje a una canción de la cantante venezolana Arca. “Iremos desarrollando más complementos a largo plazo. La palabra estudio implica que podemos hacer numerosos experimentos, y que sea un concepto y un espacio donde podamos crear muchas cosas”, zanja. 

Stay negative

El lema de su marca será ‘Stay negative‘ (mantente negativo). “Lo único que quería que fuese negativo el año pasado eran los test para librarnos del Covid. Queremos que la gente cuando se ponga los pendientes tenga en mente eso de mantenerse negativo, no coger el Covid, pasarlo bien y sentirse guapo, guapa y guape. También eso de ponte unos pendientes para brillar tal y como eres en mitad de una pandemia”, explica.

Para la diseñadora, “la pandemia ha supuesto momentos de estrés y ansiedad para todos”. “He podido sacar algo bueno de una cosa mala. Algunos veían un acto de frivolidad hacer pendientes con test de antígenos. Se trata de asimilar la pandemia de una forma positiva. Otros han querido entender la pandemia como yo: ya hemos sufrido lo suficiente, vamos a estar tranquilos, a pasarlo bien y a vivir sin que esto nos atemorice constantemente”, señala.

La joven, criada en El Palo, cursó el bachillerato artístico y después empezó Bellas Artes en la Universidad de Málaga. Tras un primer año lo dejó. “Siempre ha sido un mundillo que me ha gustado. Todos mis amigos están relacionados con el arte de una u otra forma. Siempre me ha gustado dibujar, pintar y el maquillaje. Últimamente me he interesado mucho por la moda“, cuenta. 

Carolina defiende que “la capacidad creativa y artística que tiene uno mismo no lo determina un título“. “Puedes ser lo que quieras mientras te esfuerces. Suena muy positivo quizá”, reconoce. La malagueña ha pasado de hacer pulseras y venderlas en un puesto en la playa con su madre cuando era una cría a pensar en lanzar su propia marca de pendientes y crear una empresa. Todo se andará… 

We would like to give thanks to the writer of this write-up for this awesome web content

Carolina García, la diseñadora malagueña detrás de los pendientes antiCovid de Katy Perry

" } ["summary"]=> string(795) "Aquello surgió, cuenta la joven en una entrevista con EL ESPAÑOL de Málaga, del propio “aburrimiento”. “Estas Navidades había que estar bastante tiempo encerrada en casa si tenías contacto con positivos. Al final te acababas haciendo muchos test de antígenos. Esta Nochevieja no tenía nada rojo que ponerme. “Tengo que empezar el año de buena manera ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(7970) "

Aquello surgió, cuenta la joven en una entrevista con EL ESPAÑOL de Málaga, del propio “aburrimiento”. “Estas Navidades había que estar bastante tiempo encerrada en casa si tenías contacto con positivos. Al final te acababas haciendo muchos test de antígenos. Esta Nochevieja no tenía nada rojo que ponerme. “Tengo que empezar el año de buena manera y necesito algo que me traiga suerte“, me dije”, cuenta. 

A Carolina se le ocurrió la idea de hacerse unos pendientes al ver los test en casa y pensar en lo presente que había estado el coronavirus en sus vida ese año. “Mi tía me ayudó. Me los puse y a mis amigos les encantaron. Subí una foto a Instagram y no pensaba que se convertiría en algo viral“, señala la malagueña natural de El Palo y estudiante de Literatura Comparada en la Universidad de Granada.

Robin Cavalli

Su publicación con la foto de los llamativos pendientes le llegó al hijo del diseñador italiano Roberto Cavalli, Robin Cavalli. “Lo publicó a modo de post en su Instagram. Tiene su propia marca y la gente del mundo de la moda lo sigue. Le escribí porque la subió sin darme créditos. Me etiquetó y todo el mundo empezó a compartirla. Incluso revistas como Cosmopolitan. La mayoría eran estilistas, diseñadores y artistas”, relata.

García no podía soltar el móvil: la foto de su experimento había dado la vuelta a internet. La cantante Camila Cabello también compartió la publicación en sus redes sociales. “Me llegó un mensaje directo del estilista de Katy Perry. Me comentó que los habían visto, que les habían gustado mucho y que los querían. Tuve que leer dos veces el mensaje porque pensaba que me estaban gastando una broma”, reconoce.

La diseñadora habló con él y concretaron los detalles del envío. El estilista de la cantante le pidió un par de pendientes para una de sus apariciones en Saturday Night Live. Los estuvo preparando durante una semana junto a sus amigos Ale (diseño de moda), Asier y Nagore (diseño gráfico). “A día de hoy no lo tengo asimilado. Lo de Katy Perry fue súper intenso. No estaba preparada”, se sincera. A la malagueña le haría bastante ilusión que la artista Samantha Hudson se pusiera los pendientes porque la adoro y le gusta mucho el mensaje que transmite.

Lanzamiento de una marca de pendientes

Los interesados podrán hacerse con los pendientes de moda en dos semanas como máximo. “Hemos hecho una lista con la gente que los quiere. Estamos preparando el lanzamiento de una página web para venderlos. Ahora estoy buscando asesoramiento, comprando material, recogiendo test de antígenos y preparando la web. Queremos hacerlo bien”, recalca.

Para la malagueña, la parte empresarial es la más “complicada”. “La parte creativa y la de redes sociales la tenemos (son cuatro personas en el equipo). Estamos buscando asesoría. En ningún momento una se plantea montar una marca y una empresa con sus amigos a esta edad“, reconoce no sin antes contar el vértigo que da todo esto. 

Por momentos Carolina vive este éxito con altibajos. “He pasado de estar muy contenta, emocionada y agradecida a agobiarme y viceversa. Me abruma la cantidad de gente que me escribe en redes sociales. Hemos tenido mucha suerte de que se haya hecho viral; de que el algoritmo, internet o lo que quiera que haya sido me haya dado la oportunidad”, confiesa entusiasmada.

La marca de los pendientes se llamará Rakata Studio en homenaje a una canción de la cantante venezolana Arca. “Iremos desarrollando más complementos a largo plazo. La palabra estudio implica que podemos hacer numerosos experimentos, y que sea un concepto y un espacio donde podamos crear muchas cosas”, zanja. 

Stay negative

El lema de su marca será ‘Stay negative‘ (mantente negativo). “Lo único que quería que fuese negativo el año pasado eran los test para librarnos del Covid. Queremos que la gente cuando se ponga los pendientes tenga en mente eso de mantenerse negativo, no coger el Covid, pasarlo bien y sentirse guapo, guapa y guape. También eso de ponte unos pendientes para brillar tal y como eres en mitad de una pandemia”, explica.

Para la diseñadora, “la pandemia ha supuesto momentos de estrés y ansiedad para todos”. “He podido sacar algo bueno de una cosa mala. Algunos veían un acto de frivolidad hacer pendientes con test de antígenos. Se trata de asimilar la pandemia de una forma positiva. Otros han querido entender la pandemia como yo: ya hemos sufrido lo suficiente, vamos a estar tranquilos, a pasarlo bien y a vivir sin que esto nos atemorice constantemente”, señala.

La joven, criada en El Palo, cursó el bachillerato artístico y después empezó Bellas Artes en la Universidad de Málaga. Tras un primer año lo dejó. “Siempre ha sido un mundillo que me ha gustado. Todos mis amigos están relacionados con el arte de una u otra forma. Siempre me ha gustado dibujar, pintar y el maquillaje. Últimamente me he interesado mucho por la moda“, cuenta. 

Carolina defiende que “la capacidad creativa y artística que tiene uno mismo no lo determina un título“. “Puedes ser lo que quieras mientras te esfuerces. Suena muy positivo quizá”, reconoce. La malagueña ha pasado de hacer pulseras y venderlas en un puesto en la playa con su madre cuando era una cría a pensar en lanzar su propia marca de pendientes y crear una empresa. Todo se andará… 

We would like to give thanks to the writer of this write-up for this awesome web content

Carolina García, la diseñadora malagueña detrás de los pendientes antiCovid de Katy Perry

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645113056) } [7]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(89) "City trees and soil are sucking more carbon out of the atmosphere than previously thought" ["link"]=> string(150) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/healthandscience/city-trees-and-soil-are-sucking-more-carbon-out-of-the-atmosphere-than-previously-thought/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(12) "Tony Grantly" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 15:44:45 +0000" ["category"]=> string(54) "Health And Scienceatmospherecarboncitysoilsuckingtrees" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20956" ["description"]=> string(774) "Journal Reference: Sarah M. Garvey, Pamela H. Templer, Erin A. Pierce, Andrew B. Reinmann, Lucy R. Hutyra. Diverging patterns at the forest edge: Soil respiration dynamics of fragmented forests in urban and rural areas. Global Change Biology, 2022; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16099 Forests actually store more carbon dioxide than they release, which is great news for us: about ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(8569) "

Journal Reference:

  1. Sarah M. Garvey, Pamela H. Templer, Erin A. Pierce, Andrew B. Reinmann, Lucy R. Hutyra. Diverging patterns at the forest edge: Soil respiration dynamics of fragmented forests in urban and rural areas. Global Change Biology, 2022; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16099

Forests actually store more carbon dioxide than they release, which is great news for us: about 30 percent of carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels are taken in by forests, an effect called the terrestrial carbon sink.

“That’s CO2 that’s not in the atmosphere,” says Boston University biogeochemist and ecologist Lucy Hutyra. “We’re not feeling the full effects of climate change because of the terrestrial climate sink. These forests are doing an incredible service to our planet.”

For more than a decade, Hutyra has been investigating what happens to the planet’s “lungs” when large forests are cut down into smaller patches, a process researchers call forest fragmentation.

“We think about forests as big landscapes, but really they are chopped up into all these little segments because of the human world,” says Hutyra, a BU College of Arts & Sciences professor of Earth and environment. Forests get cut into smaller parcels, as chunks are taken down to make space for roads, buildings, agriculture, and solar farms — one of the biggest drivers of forest loss in Massachusetts. These alterations to forests create more areas called forest edges — literally, the trees at the outermost edge of a forest.

It has long been assumed that these forest edges release and store carbon at similar rates as forest interiors, but Hutyra and researchers in her lab at BU have discovered this isn’t true. Soils and trees in temperate forest edges in the Northeast United States are acting differently than those farther away from people. In two recent research papers, Hutyra’s team found edge trees grow faster than their country cousins deep in the forest, and that soil in urban areas can hoard more carbon dioxide than previously thought. Their results can challenge current ideas about conservation and the value of urban forests as more than places for recreation.

Breathing In CO2

In one of the most detailed looks at temperate forest edges to date, Hutyra and her research team, including collaborators at the Harvard Forest, examined the growth rates of edge trees compared to the rest of the forest.

Using data from the US Department of Agriculture’s Forest Inventory and Analysis program — which monitors tree size, growth, and land use across the country — Hutyra’s team looked at more than 48,000 forest plots in the Northeast United States. They found trees on the edges grow nearly twice as fast as interior trees — those roughly 100 feet away from the edge.

“This is likely because the trees on the edge don’t have competition with interior forest, so they get more light,” says Luca Morreale, a PhD candidate in Hutyra’s lab and lead author on the paper, published in Nature Communications, outlining the findings. And the more a tree grows, the more carbon it is taking in.

This is good news, considering over 25 percent of the landscape in the Northeast United States is covered by an edge. But this doesn’t mean that more forest fragmentation is a solution for sucking more carbon out of the atmosphere; carbon storage along the edges of fragmented areas does not come close to offsetting the negative side effects of losing forests — like releasing carbon long stored underground back into the atmosphere.

According to Morreale and Hutyra, their study instead points to the need to better understand and conserve existing forest edges, which are typically seen as more disposable. “We are underestimating how much carbon is being taken up by temperate forest edges,” Hutyra says. “We also need to think about how susceptible they might be in the future to climate change,” because previous studies have shown that even though these trees are growing faster from more sunlight, hotter temperatures cause growth rates of edge trees to plummet.

Breathing Out CO2

In a second related study, Hutyra teamed up with BU biologist Pamela Templer to find that soils at the forest edge felt the effects of forest fragmentation, just like the trees.

“Soils contain wild amounts of bacteria, fungi, roots, and microorganisms, and just the way we breathe out CO2 when working and being active, they respire CO2, as well,” says Sarah Garvey, a PhD candidate in Hutyra’s lab and lead author of a paper on forest edge soils published in Global Change Biology. “With soil, there is more there than meets the eye.”

Garvey found that not only does forest edge soil release more carbon than interior forest soil, but that the soil is acting dramatically differently in rural and urban forests.

She visited eight field sites in developed and undeveloped areas of Massachusetts every two weeks for a year and a half (skipping the winter, when the ground is covered in ice) to measure the levels of carbon being released from the soils. She and her team would take a snapshot of the temperature and moisture levels of the soil at the forest edge, and then walk about 300 feet into the forest to take measurements again.

They saw that in rural areas with fewer people and buildings, warmer temperatures at the edge of the forest caused leaves and organic matter to decompose faster, forcing the soil microorganisms to work harder and release more carbon dioxide than their cooler, more shaded peers in the forest interior. But, in urban forests, where the ground was significantly hotter and drier, those soils stopped releasing as much carbon.

“It’s so hot and dry that the microbes are not happy and they’re not doing their thing,” Hutyra says. The long-term effect of unhappy soil is uncertain, but the findings also mean that urban soils, like those in Franklin Park, the largest public park in Boston, could have a greater capacity to store carbon than previously expected, says Garvey. Her next project will look deeper into the possible mechanisms behind the different carbon release and storage rates.

Critical for Our Future

Although discovering that urban trees and soils store more carbon might seem like “a double whammy of a good thing,” Hutyra says, it’s unclear if this boost in carbon uptake will last as the planet continues to warm.

Climate change could exacerbate carbon losses from soil, and the trees at the edge of forests in rural or urban areas could be more vulnerable to extreme heat and drought.

“Forests store almost half of their carbon below ground,” Garvey says. “Which is why understanding the relationships between the soil and the plant life is so vital to understanding the bigger picture of how forests store carbon for the long term.”

With cities and countries making commitments to plant more trees in an effort to curb the impacts of climate change, the researchers in Hutyra’s lab all agree that thinking about the greater context of the trees and soils, and where new trees are planted, is extremely important. Factoring in the elevated amounts of carbon stored by forest edges should be taken into account when looking at long-term projections of climate change, as well.

“We need to think about that as we [decide] what areas to conserve, what to develop, and how to tackle climate change solutions,” Hutyra says. “Is a place like Franklin Park where there’s tons of foot traffic just as valuable to save as a remote forest in Maine where three people visit? There’s no easy answer.”

We would like to say thanks to the writer of this write-up for this outstanding content

City trees and soil are sucking more carbon out of the atmosphere than previously thought

" } ["summary"]=> string(774) "Journal Reference: Sarah M. Garvey, Pamela H. Templer, Erin A. Pierce, Andrew B. Reinmann, Lucy R. Hutyra. Diverging patterns at the forest edge: Soil respiration dynamics of fragmented forests in urban and rural areas. Global Change Biology, 2022; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16099 Forests actually store more carbon dioxide than they release, which is great news for us: about ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(8569) "

Journal Reference:

  1. Sarah M. Garvey, Pamela H. Templer, Erin A. Pierce, Andrew B. Reinmann, Lucy R. Hutyra. Diverging patterns at the forest edge: Soil respiration dynamics of fragmented forests in urban and rural areas. Global Change Biology, 2022; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16099

Forests actually store more carbon dioxide than they release, which is great news for us: about 30 percent of carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels are taken in by forests, an effect called the terrestrial carbon sink.

“That’s CO2 that’s not in the atmosphere,” says Boston University biogeochemist and ecologist Lucy Hutyra. “We’re not feeling the full effects of climate change because of the terrestrial climate sink. These forests are doing an incredible service to our planet.”

For more than a decade, Hutyra has been investigating what happens to the planet’s “lungs” when large forests are cut down into smaller patches, a process researchers call forest fragmentation.

“We think about forests as big landscapes, but really they are chopped up into all these little segments because of the human world,” says Hutyra, a BU College of Arts & Sciences professor of Earth and environment. Forests get cut into smaller parcels, as chunks are taken down to make space for roads, buildings, agriculture, and solar farms — one of the biggest drivers of forest loss in Massachusetts. These alterations to forests create more areas called forest edges — literally, the trees at the outermost edge of a forest.

It has long been assumed that these forest edges release and store carbon at similar rates as forest interiors, but Hutyra and researchers in her lab at BU have discovered this isn’t true. Soils and trees in temperate forest edges in the Northeast United States are acting differently than those farther away from people. In two recent research papers, Hutyra’s team found edge trees grow faster than their country cousins deep in the forest, and that soil in urban areas can hoard more carbon dioxide than previously thought. Their results can challenge current ideas about conservation and the value of urban forests as more than places for recreation.

Breathing In CO2

In one of the most detailed looks at temperate forest edges to date, Hutyra and her research team, including collaborators at the Harvard Forest, examined the growth rates of edge trees compared to the rest of the forest.

Using data from the US Department of Agriculture’s Forest Inventory and Analysis program — which monitors tree size, growth, and land use across the country — Hutyra’s team looked at more than 48,000 forest plots in the Northeast United States. They found trees on the edges grow nearly twice as fast as interior trees — those roughly 100 feet away from the edge.

“This is likely because the trees on the edge don’t have competition with interior forest, so they get more light,” says Luca Morreale, a PhD candidate in Hutyra’s lab and lead author on the paper, published in Nature Communications, outlining the findings. And the more a tree grows, the more carbon it is taking in.

This is good news, considering over 25 percent of the landscape in the Northeast United States is covered by an edge. But this doesn’t mean that more forest fragmentation is a solution for sucking more carbon out of the atmosphere; carbon storage along the edges of fragmented areas does not come close to offsetting the negative side effects of losing forests — like releasing carbon long stored underground back into the atmosphere.

According to Morreale and Hutyra, their study instead points to the need to better understand and conserve existing forest edges, which are typically seen as more disposable. “We are underestimating how much carbon is being taken up by temperate forest edges,” Hutyra says. “We also need to think about how susceptible they might be in the future to climate change,” because previous studies have shown that even though these trees are growing faster from more sunlight, hotter temperatures cause growth rates of edge trees to plummet.

Breathing Out CO2

In a second related study, Hutyra teamed up with BU biologist Pamela Templer to find that soils at the forest edge felt the effects of forest fragmentation, just like the trees.

“Soils contain wild amounts of bacteria, fungi, roots, and microorganisms, and just the way we breathe out CO2 when working and being active, they respire CO2, as well,” says Sarah Garvey, a PhD candidate in Hutyra’s lab and lead author of a paper on forest edge soils published in Global Change Biology. “With soil, there is more there than meets the eye.”

Garvey found that not only does forest edge soil release more carbon than interior forest soil, but that the soil is acting dramatically differently in rural and urban forests.

She visited eight field sites in developed and undeveloped areas of Massachusetts every two weeks for a year and a half (skipping the winter, when the ground is covered in ice) to measure the levels of carbon being released from the soils. She and her team would take a snapshot of the temperature and moisture levels of the soil at the forest edge, and then walk about 300 feet into the forest to take measurements again.

They saw that in rural areas with fewer people and buildings, warmer temperatures at the edge of the forest caused leaves and organic matter to decompose faster, forcing the soil microorganisms to work harder and release more carbon dioxide than their cooler, more shaded peers in the forest interior. But, in urban forests, where the ground was significantly hotter and drier, those soils stopped releasing as much carbon.

“It’s so hot and dry that the microbes are not happy and they’re not doing their thing,” Hutyra says. The long-term effect of unhappy soil is uncertain, but the findings also mean that urban soils, like those in Franklin Park, the largest public park in Boston, could have a greater capacity to store carbon than previously expected, says Garvey. Her next project will look deeper into the possible mechanisms behind the different carbon release and storage rates.

Critical for Our Future

Although discovering that urban trees and soils store more carbon might seem like “a double whammy of a good thing,” Hutyra says, it’s unclear if this boost in carbon uptake will last as the planet continues to warm.

Climate change could exacerbate carbon losses from soil, and the trees at the edge of forests in rural or urban areas could be more vulnerable to extreme heat and drought.

“Forests store almost half of their carbon below ground,” Garvey says. “Which is why understanding the relationships between the soil and the plant life is so vital to understanding the bigger picture of how forests store carbon for the long term.”

With cities and countries making commitments to plant more trees in an effort to curb the impacts of climate change, the researchers in Hutyra’s lab all agree that thinking about the greater context of the trees and soils, and where new trees are planted, is extremely important. Factoring in the elevated amounts of carbon stored by forest edges should be taken into account when looking at long-term projections of climate change, as well.

“We need to think about that as we [decide] what areas to conserve, what to develop, and how to tackle climate change solutions,” Hutyra says. “Is a place like Franklin Park where there’s tons of foot traffic just as valuable to save as a remote forest in Maine where three people visit? There’s no easy answer.”

We would like to say thanks to the writer of this write-up for this outstanding content

City trees and soil are sucking more carbon out of the atmosphere than previously thought

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645112685) } [8]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(69) "This new type of ‘exotic’ star is born from a violent space event" ["link"]=> string(119) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/scream-away/this-new-type-of-exotic-star-is-born-from-a-violent-space-event/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(11) "Harry World" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 15:09:48 +0000" ["category"]=> string(46) "Scream AwayborneventexoticSpaceStartypeviolent" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20950" ["description"]=> string(701) "My favorite two things culture has to offer are blood and guts. Scary movies are strangely cathartic and Caravaggio’s paintings are beguiling — though Caravaggio’s real-life violence is much more upsetting. Kill your heroes, they say, but not literally. The discovery of a rare, vicious star tells me that humans aren’t the only ones pursuing ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(14313) "

My favorite two things culture has to offer are blood and guts. Scary movies are strangely cathartic and Caravaggio’s paintings are beguiling — though Caravaggio’s real-life violence is much more upsetting. Kill your heroes, they say, but not literally. The discovery of a rare, vicious star tells me that humans aren’t the only ones pursuing what’s macabre.

You can read all about that strange, parent-destroying star in today’s newsletter, but first, you need to respond to this week’s not-so-spooky question — what’s the best constellation and why? We’ll feature some of your responses in a newsletter next week. Do the Big Dipper proud and hit ‘reply.’

This is an adapted version of the Inverse Daily newsletter for Thursday, February 17, 2022. Subscribe for free and earn rewards for reading every day in your inbox. ✉️

Boom.Getty Images

A star is born in space — Hollywood could never, but this star might be too gruesome to be Bradley Cooper’s love interest anyway. Though, it looks normal enough. Writer Nathaniel Scharping describes the “unique new kind of star” as “a core of helium surrounded by an outer layer of carbon and oxygen.” But astronomers have identified only “two [of these stars] so far out of the hundreds of millions of cataloged stars,” which might be because its relationship to its parents is somewhat… strained.

The star is born from two white dwarf stars, but “the merger that creates this new type of star involves tearing one of the white dwarfs apart and layering it on top of the other white dwarf, in the process kickstarting a new round of nuclear fusion inside the star,” writes Scharping. “At least, that’s the hypothesis put forward in a new paper by a team of researchers from Argentina and Germany, who say they’ve finally come up with an explanation for these exotic stars.”

The researchers suggest that these Franken-stars (“officially called a carbon-oxygen-rich subdwarf O star,” writes Scharping) can only be made when “different kinds of white dwarfs of very particular sizes” collide.

Continue reading:

Hello, Clarice: The Webb telescope’s first star images are finally here

So mysterious… so… ‘Uncharted’.Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

British actor Tom Holland (who is best known for being in a relationship that’s very popular with teens. Also, he’s Spider-Man) is helping bring video games to the big screen. On February 18, “Uncharted — a video game franchise deliberately inspired by blockbuster movies — comes full circle,” writes Inverse entertainment writer Eric Francisco.

The movie “arrives from director Ruben Fleischer, with Holland as an adrift, 25-year-old Nathan Drake recruited by seasoned explorer Sully (Mark Wahlberg) on a mission to retrieve Ferdinand Magellan’s lost gold,” reports Francisco. In this exclusive interview, Holland tells Inverse that “people that played the video game have been so immersed that, when they watch a film, they are bored.”

To remedy that, he and the directors decided to “tell the story from the beginning, a point of view gamers haven’t seen: Nathan and Sully’s first adventure.” If you don’t count yourself among those familiar gamers, however, Uncharted’s producer Alex Gartner wants you to know that you’ll still have fun. “All our energy has gone into making this the most fun it can be,” he told Inverse. In the end, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Continue reading.

He’s so dreamy: Astronomers spot supermassive black hole hiding behind a cloud

Electric isn’t enough.Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

At the end of 2021, the Biden-Harris released “an EV Charging Action Plan to outline steps federal agencies are taking to support developing and deploying chargers in American communities across the country,” according to the White House’s website. The administration’s wholehearted commitment to electric vehicles certainly looks good, but a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests it misses something crucial about electricity in the U.S.

“Without significant changes to the electricity sector,” writes Tara Yarlagadda, “electric vehicles may not help the climate crisis as much as we think.”

Unless there are “substantial changes to boost renewable energy,” writes Yarlagadda, the study suggests that all of the emissions necessary to power Biden’s EVs will make over half of their reductions moot. This is because electricity is still generated primarily through natural gas and coal, so EVs aren’t ready to save the world yet. “In many ways, the sustainable promise of electric vehicles in the U.S. depends on the future of coal,” writes Yarlagadda.

Continue reading.

All is not well: Discrimination lawsuit alleges racist practices at Tesla’s factory

Corn-gobbling, gas-guzzling, same thing.JamesBrey/E+/Getty Images

While we’re here discussing inconvenient truths, we should cover gas, your car’s favorite treat. Because of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), companies have been required to add ethanol to American fuel since 2005. “Initially, the policy was meant to boost ethanol production from various sources, but now almost 95 percent of the country’s ethanol comes from corn,” writes science reporter Lauren Leffer.

The government wasn’t trying to get your car hooked on corn, though. It just wanted to “reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and minimize the environmental burden of the trillions of miles Americans collectively drive each year,” writes Leffer. Sadly, fresh research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says it failed.

“Researchers focused on the climate change costs of creating suitable farmland to grow all the corn that ethanol is derived from,” writes Leffer. They then discovered that RFS “changed the national landscape enough to make gassing up at least 25 percent more carbon-intensive than it would’ve been otherwise.

Continue reading.

Don’t be corny: Is sugar better than high fructose corn syrup?

Mendeleev’s handwritten table.Science & Society Picture Library/SSPL/Getty Images

About this newsletter: Do you think it can be improved? Have a story idea? Want to share a story about the time you met an astronaut? Send those thoughts and more to newsletter@inverse.com.

  • On this day in history: Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, nicknamed the Father of the Periodic Table, scribbled his first draft for the periodic table today in 1869. The table was a revelation to chemistry, and it formed the strong backbones of the table used today.
  • Song of the day: Rest My Chemistry,” by Interpol.

We wish to give thanks to the writer of this short article for this remarkable content

This new type of ‘exotic’ star is born from a violent space event

" } ["summary"]=> string(701) "My favorite two things culture has to offer are blood and guts. Scary movies are strangely cathartic and Caravaggio’s paintings are beguiling — though Caravaggio’s real-life violence is much more upsetting. Kill your heroes, they say, but not literally. The discovery of a rare, vicious star tells me that humans aren’t the only ones pursuing ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(14313) "

My favorite two things culture has to offer are blood and guts. Scary movies are strangely cathartic and Caravaggio’s paintings are beguiling — though Caravaggio’s real-life violence is much more upsetting. Kill your heroes, they say, but not literally. The discovery of a rare, vicious star tells me that humans aren’t the only ones pursuing what’s macabre.

You can read all about that strange, parent-destroying star in today’s newsletter, but first, you need to respond to this week’s not-so-spooky question — what’s the best constellation and why? We’ll feature some of your responses in a newsletter next week. Do the Big Dipper proud and hit ‘reply.’

This is an adapted version of the Inverse Daily newsletter for Thursday, February 17, 2022. Subscribe for free and earn rewards for reading every day in your inbox. ✉️

Boom.Getty Images

A star is born in space — Hollywood could never, but this star might be too gruesome to be Bradley Cooper’s love interest anyway. Though, it looks normal enough. Writer Nathaniel Scharping describes the “unique new kind of star” as “a core of helium surrounded by an outer layer of carbon and oxygen.” But astronomers have identified only “two [of these stars] so far out of the hundreds of millions of cataloged stars,” which might be because its relationship to its parents is somewhat… strained.

The star is born from two white dwarf stars, but “the merger that creates this new type of star involves tearing one of the white dwarfs apart and layering it on top of the other white dwarf, in the process kickstarting a new round of nuclear fusion inside the star,” writes Scharping. “At least, that’s the hypothesis put forward in a new paper by a team of researchers from Argentina and Germany, who say they’ve finally come up with an explanation for these exotic stars.”

The researchers suggest that these Franken-stars (“officially called a carbon-oxygen-rich subdwarf O star,” writes Scharping) can only be made when “different kinds of white dwarfs of very particular sizes” collide.

Continue reading:

Hello, Clarice: The Webb telescope’s first star images are finally here

So mysterious… so… ‘Uncharted’.Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

British actor Tom Holland (who is best known for being in a relationship that’s very popular with teens. Also, he’s Spider-Man) is helping bring video games to the big screen. On February 18, “Uncharted — a video game franchise deliberately inspired by blockbuster movies — comes full circle,” writes Inverse entertainment writer Eric Francisco.

The movie “arrives from director Ruben Fleischer, with Holland as an adrift, 25-year-old Nathan Drake recruited by seasoned explorer Sully (Mark Wahlberg) on a mission to retrieve Ferdinand Magellan’s lost gold,” reports Francisco. In this exclusive interview, Holland tells Inverse that “people that played the video game have been so immersed that, when they watch a film, they are bored.”

To remedy that, he and the directors decided to “tell the story from the beginning, a point of view gamers haven’t seen: Nathan and Sully’s first adventure.” If you don’t count yourself among those familiar gamers, however, Uncharted’s producer Alex Gartner wants you to know that you’ll still have fun. “All our energy has gone into making this the most fun it can be,” he told Inverse. In the end, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Continue reading.

He’s so dreamy: Astronomers spot supermassive black hole hiding behind a cloud

Electric isn’t enough.Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

At the end of 2021, the Biden-Harris released “an EV Charging Action Plan to outline steps federal agencies are taking to support developing and deploying chargers in American communities across the country,” according to the White House’s website. The administration’s wholehearted commitment to electric vehicles certainly looks good, but a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests it misses something crucial about electricity in the U.S.

“Without significant changes to the electricity sector,” writes Tara Yarlagadda, “electric vehicles may not help the climate crisis as much as we think.”

Unless there are “substantial changes to boost renewable energy,” writes Yarlagadda, the study suggests that all of the emissions necessary to power Biden’s EVs will make over half of their reductions moot. This is because electricity is still generated primarily through natural gas and coal, so EVs aren’t ready to save the world yet. “In many ways, the sustainable promise of electric vehicles in the U.S. depends on the future of coal,” writes Yarlagadda.

Continue reading.

All is not well: Discrimination lawsuit alleges racist practices at Tesla’s factory

Corn-gobbling, gas-guzzling, same thing.JamesBrey/E+/Getty Images

While we’re here discussing inconvenient truths, we should cover gas, your car’s favorite treat. Because of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), companies have been required to add ethanol to American fuel since 2005. “Initially, the policy was meant to boost ethanol production from various sources, but now almost 95 percent of the country’s ethanol comes from corn,” writes science reporter Lauren Leffer.

The government wasn’t trying to get your car hooked on corn, though. It just wanted to “reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and minimize the environmental burden of the trillions of miles Americans collectively drive each year,” writes Leffer. Sadly, fresh research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says it failed.

“Researchers focused on the climate change costs of creating suitable farmland to grow all the corn that ethanol is derived from,” writes Leffer. They then discovered that RFS “changed the national landscape enough to make gassing up at least 25 percent more carbon-intensive than it would’ve been otherwise.

Continue reading.

Don’t be corny: Is sugar better than high fructose corn syrup?

Mendeleev’s handwritten table.Science & Society Picture Library/SSPL/Getty Images

About this newsletter: Do you think it can be improved? Have a story idea? Want to share a story about the time you met an astronaut? Send those thoughts and more to newsletter@inverse.com.

  • On this day in history: Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, nicknamed the Father of the Periodic Table, scribbled his first draft for the periodic table today in 1869. The table was a revelation to chemistry, and it formed the strong backbones of the table used today.
  • Song of the day: Rest My Chemistry,” by Interpol.

We wish to give thanks to the writer of this short article for this remarkable content

This new type of ‘exotic’ star is born from a violent space event

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645110588) } [9]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(102) "I fan di Harry e Meghan furiosi: «Quanta ipocrisia! per il principe Andrea nessuna bufera mediatica»" ["link"]=> string(147) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/gossip/i-fan-di-harry-e-meghan-furiosi-quanta-ipocrisia-per-il-principe-andrea-nessuna-bufera-mediatica/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(10) "Debby Kent" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 15:08:49 +0000" ["category"]=> string(79) "GossipAndreabuferaFanfuriosiHarryipocrisiamediáticaMeghannessunaprincipeQuanta" ["guid"]=> string(51) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com/?p=20944" ["description"]=> string(811) " I fan reali amano il principe Harry e Meghan Markle. E in tanti li stanno difendendo a spada tratta sottolineando l’ipocrisia dei trattamenti ricevuti da loro e dal principe Andrea. La coppia reale è stata distrutta mediaticamente, e non solo, dal pubblico, dai media, ma soprattutto dalla stessa famiglia reale. Mentre Andrea, dopo aver raggiunto ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(4101) "

I fan reali amano il principe Harry e Meghan Markle. E in tanti li stanno difendendo a spada tratta sottolineando l’ipocrisia dei trattamenti ricevuti da loro e dal principe Andrea. La coppia reale è stata distrutta mediaticamente, e non solo, dal pubblico, dai media, ma soprattutto dalla stessa famiglia reale. Mentre Andrea, dopo aver raggiunto l’accordo milionario con Virginia Giuffre, non sta ricevendo nel Regno Unito lo stesso tipo di trattamento.


Leggi anche > Australia choc, squalo di 4 metri divora un uomo. I testimoni: «Scena horror»




Il figlio della regina, accusato di aver abusato sessualmente di Giuffre, vittima di Jeffrey Epstein, quando era minorenne, ha confermato l’accordo in una dichiarazione, in cui ha anche affermato di essersi pentito della sua associazione con il defunto pedofilo.


Alla luce dell’accordo, che si dice arrivi a 12 milioni di sterline, più di 14 milioni di euro, molti hanno colto l’occasione per sottolineare l’ipocrisia nel trattamento del duca e della duchessa del Sussex, che hanno annunciato che si sarebbero dimessi dai loro doveri di membri della famiglia reale nel gennaio 2020 e che da allora si sono trasferiti in California.


Sui social gli inglesi si sono schierati dalla parte della coppia distrutta a livello mediatico. Un utente ha scritto: «Sto ancora aspettando che i media diano al principe Andrew lo stesso trattamento che hanno dato a Meghan e Harry».


«Perché le notizie su Andrew sono molto meno feroci di qualsiasi altra cosa su Harry e Meghan? Voglio dire, secondo la stampa, nominare la loro figlia Lilibet ha sconvolto molto di più la regina di questa orrenda debacle di suo figlio?», ha twittato qualcun altro.


Harry e Meghan hanno parlato a lungo del modo in cui sarebbero stati trattati dai membri della famiglia reale e dai media mentre vivevano nel Regno Unito durante un’intervista rivelatrice con Oprah Winfrey nel marzo dello scorso anno. All’epoca, Meghan disse che la sua vita come reale era «quasi insopportabile» e che lottava con pensieri suicidi, ma non riceveva aiuto per la salute mentale nonostante le sue richieste.


Il principe Andrea ha negato le accuse contro di lui e ha affermato di non aver mai incontrato la signora Giuffre, nonostante una fotografia che presumibilmente mostrasse lui e la signora Giuffre a casa di Ghislaine Maxwell. Ma per far tacere tutto ha sborsato la cifra da capogiro di 12 milioni di sterline e in Inghilterra tutto sembra sia meno importante del «tradimento» di Harry e Meghan…

Ultimo aggiornamento: Giovedì 17 Febbraio 2022, 13:29


We would love to give thanks to the author of this article for this outstanding content

I fan di Harry e Meghan furiosi: «Quanta ipocrisia! per il principe Andrea nessuna bufera mediatica»

" } ["summary"]=> string(811) " I fan reali amano il principe Harry e Meghan Markle. E in tanti li stanno difendendo a spada tratta sottolineando l’ipocrisia dei trattamenti ricevuti da loro e dal principe Andrea. La coppia reale è stata distrutta mediaticamente, e non solo, dal pubblico, dai media, ma soprattutto dalla stessa famiglia reale. Mentre Andrea, dopo aver raggiunto ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(4101) "

I fan reali amano il principe Harry e Meghan Markle. E in tanti li stanno difendendo a spada tratta sottolineando l’ipocrisia dei trattamenti ricevuti da loro e dal principe Andrea. La coppia reale è stata distrutta mediaticamente, e non solo, dal pubblico, dai media, ma soprattutto dalla stessa famiglia reale. Mentre Andrea, dopo aver raggiunto l’accordo milionario con Virginia Giuffre, non sta ricevendo nel Regno Unito lo stesso tipo di trattamento.


Leggi anche > Australia choc, squalo di 4 metri divora un uomo. I testimoni: «Scena horror»




Il figlio della regina, accusato di aver abusato sessualmente di Giuffre, vittima di Jeffrey Epstein, quando era minorenne, ha confermato l’accordo in una dichiarazione, in cui ha anche affermato di essersi pentito della sua associazione con il defunto pedofilo.


Alla luce dell’accordo, che si dice arrivi a 12 milioni di sterline, più di 14 milioni di euro, molti hanno colto l’occasione per sottolineare l’ipocrisia nel trattamento del duca e della duchessa del Sussex, che hanno annunciato che si sarebbero dimessi dai loro doveri di membri della famiglia reale nel gennaio 2020 e che da allora si sono trasferiti in California.


Sui social gli inglesi si sono schierati dalla parte della coppia distrutta a livello mediatico. Un utente ha scritto: «Sto ancora aspettando che i media diano al principe Andrew lo stesso trattamento che hanno dato a Meghan e Harry».


«Perché le notizie su Andrew sono molto meno feroci di qualsiasi altra cosa su Harry e Meghan? Voglio dire, secondo la stampa, nominare la loro figlia Lilibet ha sconvolto molto di più la regina di questa orrenda debacle di suo figlio?», ha twittato qualcun altro.


Harry e Meghan hanno parlato a lungo del modo in cui sarebbero stati trattati dai membri della famiglia reale e dai media mentre vivevano nel Regno Unito durante un’intervista rivelatrice con Oprah Winfrey nel marzo dello scorso anno. All’epoca, Meghan disse che la sua vita come reale era «quasi insopportabile» e che lottava con pensieri suicidi, ma non riceveva aiuto per la salute mentale nonostante le sue richieste.


Il principe Andrea ha negato le accuse contro di lui e ha affermato di non aver mai incontrato la signora Giuffre, nonostante una fotografia che presumibilmente mostrasse lui e la signora Giuffre a casa di Ghislaine Maxwell. Ma per far tacere tutto ha sborsato la cifra da capogiro di 12 milioni di sterline e in Inghilterra tutto sembra sia meno importante del «tradimento» di Harry e Meghan…

Ultimo aggiornamento: Giovedì 17 Febbraio 2022, 13:29


We would love to give thanks to the author of this article for this outstanding content

I fan di Harry e Meghan furiosi: «Quanta ipocrisia! per il principe Andrea nessuna bufera mediatica»

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1645110529) } } ["channel"]=> array(7) { ["title"]=> string(11) "Latest Movs" ["link"]=> string(42) "https://latestmovs.packagingnewsonline.com" ["lastbuilddate"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:56:25 +0000" ["language"]=> string(5) "en-US" ["sy"]=> array(2) { ["updateperiod"]=> string(9) " hourly " ["updatefrequency"]=> string(4) " 1 " } ["generator"]=> string(28) "https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9" ["tagline"]=> NULL } ["textinput"]=> array(0) { } ["image"]=> array(0) { } ["feed_type"]=> string(3) "RSS" ["feed_version"]=> string(3) "2.0" ["encoding"]=> string(5) "UTF-8" ["_source_encoding"]=> string(0) "" ["ERROR"]=> string(0) "" ["WARNING"]=> string(0) "" ["_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(7) "content" [1]=> string(7) "summary" [2]=> string(4) "info" [3]=> string(5) "title" [4]=> string(7) "tagline" [5]=> string(9) "copyright" } ["_KNOWN_ENCODINGS"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(5) "UTF-8" [1]=> string(8) "US-ASCII" [2]=> string(10) "ISO-8859-1" } ["stack"]=> array(0) { } ["inchannel"]=> bool(false) ["initem"]=> bool(false) ["incontent"]=> bool(false) ["intextinput"]=> bool(false) ["inimage"]=> bool(false) ["current_namespace"]=> bool(false) ["last_modified"]=> string(31) "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:59:29 GMT " ["etag"]=> string(29) "OzGBYl2a4wzQApxVbkjNFzvolY8 " }